Monday, May 31, 2010

Mom of Toddler Smoker in Indonesia Seeks Help for Him

Summary: Two year old Aldi weighs twice as much as a normal child at his age, reaching just over 44 pounds. But that's not the only difference; this little boy also is a two year old that smokes. He was found in a video on the internet smoking like he had been doing so for about thirty years and instantly became a local celebrity. The mother of Aldi said that smoking has been a part of their culture for so long that it isn't seen as hazerdous, poisonous, or a factor of causing illness. Although his mom is realizing the problem at hand and seeking help for her son, but not becuase she knows it is bad for his health but because his parents don't want to have to spend so much money on his cigarettes. Aldi smokes about 40 cigarettes daily and they can't keep up with the payments. Both parents have quit smoking and Jakarta has cut down. Hopefully this little boy, with the help of his family, can stop smoking soon.

Opinion: I honestly could not belive what I was hearing when I first read through this article!! A two year old smoking, you've got to be kidding me! Truethfully I think it's bad for adults to just be smoking next to children, but to actually let your child smoke at the age of two, what were they thinking. People really need to be better informed about the harmful affects of smoking and second hand smoke. It is disgusting and I bet that anyone who is better informed about the harm they are doing to themselves and others would try to stop on the spot. Also, the fact that they wanted him the stop smoking based on money purposes is sickening as well. I know they don't really realize the harm it is doing to Jakarta, but his health should always com first. I hope that by this article and broadcast many people will see how extreme smoking has become and how harmful it really can be to them and more people will stop. We would have a safer and healthier planet by doing so.

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