Wednesday, June 9, 2010

World Cup Journalists Robbed

Summary: Three journalists were robbed of money, passports, cameras, and computers while covering the World Cup in South Africa. Armed suspects were said to have entered three hotel rooms where the journalists were staying, near the town of Magaliesburg, and stole many goods. Two of the journalists slept through the entire robbery but another woke up to gun point and was demanded to keep quiet. Police were called immediately after they departed, but no one has been caught yet. Hundreds of thousands of fans and journalists are entering into South Africa this week to watch and cover the World Cup soccer tournament. And with this being one of the biggest sporting events in the world this year people are beginning to worry that more robberies and crimes will start to take place.

Opinion: This would have to be one of my biggest fears. If I were one of these three journalists I would have been terrified and I would hope that the supects would be caught. Since this is going to be such a huge event I feel that there should be more security around and people should realize that they need to take precautions for this type of thing. Make sure that they are in a safe area while staying and keep everything locked during their stay. The three journalists were very lucky that they were only robbed and that the suspects didn't commit an even bigger crime. Hopefully nothing else like this happens in South Africa during the World Cup and the fans and journalists can just relax and enjoy the excitment of the wonderful game of soccer.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Mexico Asks For Probe Into Teen's Shooting Death By U.S. Border Agent

Summary: Ciudad Jarez is a Mexican teen that was shot by a U.S. Border agent while involved in a rock-throwing incident. This teen's death was the second in two weeks by the U.S. border agents. It all started Monday night when the Border Patrol was called because it had been noted that suspected illegal immigrants were trying to smuggle into the United States. They arrived near a river bank and one of the agents caught one of the suspects while the other two suspects started throwing rocks a he agent and began to run back into Mexico. They kept throwing rocks at him and that's when he pulled out his weapon and started firing, later becoming fatal for one of them. It was a sad and preventable situation.

Opinion: Even though the boys were irritating the agent by throwing rocks at him I still feel that it gave him no reason to take out his gun and start shooting at them. They were just young boys, and yes they probably should have known better, but still boys will be boys. I think that it was the agents fault and I don't think that I would see it as an act of self defence. If it were me I would feel very guilty about the action and I don't think the boy deserved what he got.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Prostesters Descend on Ground Zero For Anti-Mosque Demonstration

Summary: Protesters gather in Manhattan to protest against the plans to start building a mosque near the sight where the Twin Towers once stood. The protesters feel that the building of the mosque is an effort to insult the victims of September 11, 2001 when the World Trade Center was destroyed by Islamist hijackers and will also establish a beachhead for a political Islamic supremacism in New York. They think that Ground Zero is a burial ground and that eveyone needs to respect it as one. "We feel it would be more appropriate maybe to build a center dedicated to expunging the Quranic texts of the violent ideology that inspired jihad, or perhaps a center to the victims of hundreds of millions of years of jihadi wars, land enslavements, cultural annihilations and mass slaughter." These two completely different ideas are hoped to come to some sort of happy medium and used in some way that everyone will appreciate.

Opinion: I actually don't agree with either side of this debate. I don't feel that it would be right to build a mosque with a performing arts center, gym, pool, and other public places over the site of Ground Zero because that place means so much more than that. But i also don't agree with what the protesters want to build there either. I feel that this cherished spot in New York city needs to be kept as a memorial, a place where people can pray for their loved ones lost in the attack, and a place that we can look at and see how our country stuck together during that time of need and to show how proud we are of everyone who fought through the smoke that day. I hope that nothing is built in replace of the World Trade Center and it is kept as a memorial site.