Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Ships Take To Arctic Ocean As Sea Ice Melts

Summary: The search for a new trade route that is trying to connect Europe with the Far East, Northweast Passage, was put on hold because of all of the melting ice in the Arctic Ocean. The Icelandic President, Olafur Ragnar Grimsson, recently quoted in a paper that this famous passage was turnging into a "trans-Arctic Panama Canal." Now it has been noted the ships are being improved and re-designed to withstand floating icebergs on the route. Multiple ships have stuggled trying to make it through the dangerous passage, but about a week ago a ship traveled from Russia to China without a problem. Therefore some watercrafts are getting lucky but others not so much. The ice will still remain to be a problem if not tended to soon. Because of so called accidents on voyages through the Northwest passage experts are predicting that there won't be many ships traveling from Europe to the Far east.

Opinion: Trading is a major part of every countries economy. It is a way for the worldly cultures and traditions to stay connected. It's like the saying, "If I scratch your back, you scratch my back." We all depend on eachother for our needs and when one countries economy is successful then most likely we are all successful. Therefore, without main trading routes economies could suffer and jobs will be lost. The melting ice in the Arctic is creating great harm and danger for the environment and mankind. Not only is it harming the way we live but it is also causing dangerous conditions for animal life in the Arctic and possibly increase extinction numbers. If there is one thing that I know, it's that something needs to be done about the melting ice and everything that is being affected because of it. We need to come together and make some major changes if we want to save the economy, jobs, wildlife, and make a difference in the world.

Friday, September 10, 2010

2 Dead In Philadelphia Kraft Foods Plant Shooting

Summary: Thursday September 9th a 43 year old women was suspended from her job, and instead of acting like a mature adult and walking away from the situation, she got upset and took her anger out on others. Ten minutes after being let go the women returned into the Kraft Foods Plant, where she had worked, holding a handgun. She had already been escorted out earlier that day, but re-entered the building raging with emotions. Her first shots were fired at the police officers and then at the employees she used to work with. Her actions were rigerous, violent, and frantic. This irrational behavior led to two deaths and a very horrifying day for the Plant.

Opinion: The women in this article had no indications of acting her age. She reacted to the suspention of her job the way a two year old would throw a tantrum after getting a crayon taken away while coloring. She had no intention of staying calm or being rational about the situation, she only could think about getting back at the company for firing her. In my opinion this is definitely not the way to react or go about finding a new job by any means. She made the wrong choices and will have to live with her mistake the rest of her life. I'm thinking that the guilt is only a tiny part of the punishment she should be given for her actions.
