Friday, September 10, 2010

2 Dead In Philadelphia Kraft Foods Plant Shooting

Summary: Thursday September 9th a 43 year old women was suspended from her job, and instead of acting like a mature adult and walking away from the situation, she got upset and took her anger out on others. Ten minutes after being let go the women returned into the Kraft Foods Plant, where she had worked, holding a handgun. She had already been escorted out earlier that day, but re-entered the building raging with emotions. Her first shots were fired at the police officers and then at the employees she used to work with. Her actions were rigerous, violent, and frantic. This irrational behavior led to two deaths and a very horrifying day for the Plant.

Opinion: The women in this article had no indications of acting her age. She reacted to the suspention of her job the way a two year old would throw a tantrum after getting a crayon taken away while coloring. She had no intention of staying calm or being rational about the situation, she only could think about getting back at the company for firing her. In my opinion this is definitely not the way to react or go about finding a new job by any means. She made the wrong choices and will have to live with her mistake the rest of her life. I'm thinking that the guilt is only a tiny part of the punishment she should be given for her actions.

1 comment:

  1. Katie i agree that this lady did not act her age and i llike how you used a comparison between the toddler and the lady. Your voice really shows through when you blog.
