Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Cracks Found in Shuttle Fuel Tank

Summary: Recently NASA discovered multiple cracks in the fuel tank of one of their space shuttles. The space shuttle was called Discovery and once the fractures in the tank were found the shuttle was demanded to stay grounded until the end of November. The cracks were figured to have been caused by a hydrogen gas leak, which also made them cancel the launch attempt on Friday. Later cracks also became visible in the isulation as well as in the actual aluminum. Now engineers are looking to see if they can figure out ways to fix the tank at the pad. Usually things like this are fixed at a facility but now they are going to have to figure out some way to fix it at the launch pad so that the launch mission can go back into action as soon as possible.

Opinion: Hopefully experts are able to come up with something to fix the cracks in the aluminum tank. It sounds like it won't be as safe to try and fix it at the launch pad, so careful and prestigious work should be done to make sure that nothing goes wrong. They also need to try and figure out what caused the gas leak in the first place. Even though the launch is being delayed I feel like the engineers need to take their time in fixing the shuttle so that nothing goes wrong again. Thankfully, the fractures in the tank were found before launch took place so that nothing bad happened. I'm sure they will be able to fix up Discovery and get the mission started again soon.

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