Thursday, December 2, 2010

Town That Disney Built Became A Crime Scene

Summary: In Celebration, Florida, this week brings nothing to celebrate. For the first time in 14 years the town and wonderful community endured their first homicide. Just five miles South of Walt Disney World, residents were shocked by the news that the 58-year old neighbor living on the bottom floor had been killed. No one had seen him in days and so they filled a missing person's report, but found that it was too late. This type of crime is very rare for the kind and giving community of Celebration. The biggest criminal reports they get are that of if a bike were to be stolen, not murder. Inhabitants of the town are starting to become frightened and wonder if this is the same town that they once had known it to be, but officials and specialists are quickly calming their nerves by letting them know that the incident was isolated. Over the years there has been crime in Celebration, but always much less than neighboring communities.

Opinion: I think it is always sad to hear criminal news reports, and terrible actions, such as this, taking place somewhere that is said to be high class and safe. It makes people feel like there isn't a secure place to go and live in peace, but I disagree. Even though things can happen in the nicest of places, I don't think that automatically makes them a bad place to reside. Celebration is a good community and has been for fourteen years. They shouldn't let this get in the way of their views of the area. It was a freak case that may take time to recover from, but all in all Celebration should go back to the way they acted and saw their neighbors before the heartbreaking news. If they were as strong of a community as they said they were prior to what happened, then I know that they can pull together and get back to the happy place that they were at. Neighbors and friends can make all of the bads in life disappear.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with Katie it is always very sad to hear about such awfyl cases. I don't think this accident should prevent people from going there though. Such an accident could happen anywhere and it is too bad that it had to happen at such a happy place that Disney created. I think that if Celebratino has made it 14 years without any crime even similar to this they can hopefully come togetas as communitcy and get through these hard time together and be able to recreate their community.
