Thursday, January 20, 2011

Six Places Germs Spread On A Plane

Summary: We are currently in the prime flu season time, therefore it is imperative that each person does everything in their power to protect themselves from illnesses and germs. Since it is winter, many families plan trips and recently there has been research supporting the many germs people can spread and acquire while riding in an airplane. There are six common germ zones that passengers should be aware of. First, the water, when bottled water runs out, is replaced by unfiltered water that can cause E. coli and stomach problems. Second, the seat pockets have been tested to contain cold and influenza viruses. Third, the tray tables has been found to contain MRSA which is a nasty super bug. Fourth, the actual airplane meals are very unsanitary and not nutritious. If it isn't in wrapping, it probably shouldn't be eaten. Fifth, the pillows and blankets that they provide are full of germs that can cause pneumonia. Finally sixth, airplane lavatories have a smorgasbord of germs including E. coli and bacterias. There are many ways to prevent getting sick, and it is easier to stay germ free knowing what specific areas to avoid. By taking precautions and creating a more sanitary environment, people are less likely to become sick.

Opinion: I've been on planes a few times in my life and never have I realized how disturbingly unsanitary they are. They are such a great invention, but they should definitely be better sanitized. People pay a lot of money to travel and no one wants to be sick on vacation. I feel like it wouldn't be that hard to clean off the plane in between each flight. The most common places to obtain germs are places that are difficult to avoid. This problem needs to be solved or else people may be less likely to want to fly. There should be a serious effort to try and clean up planes or else attendance and business could suffer. This truly is not okay and really makes me sick thinking about it. Hopefully, it gets better before the word starts to spread like the germs.

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