Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Military Sets Sights on June Push in Kandahar

Summary: U.S. troops and other forces in Afghanistan are looking towards gaining the southern city of Kandahar from the Taliban by June. Gaining control of the Taliban's spiritual center will be the second biggest operation that our military will face in this war. This movement rids the southern Afghan of Taliban control. The operation is said to last around two months or so but it has already been months in the making. Although it's noted that the preparatory work and the planning of the opperation is the most important part and determine the amount of success that comes out of it in the end. Kandahar has caused problems for the government of the Afghanistan Prsident Hamid Karazai and the U.S. ever since the Taliban ruled the country before the United States invaded in 2001. The new operation will take a stand and attemp to resolve this on going problem.

Opinion: I think that the operation sounds like a well thought out procedure and will help bring good to Afghanistan as well as the United States. I hope that it doesn't become overwhelmingly violent or life threatening for the U.S. soldiers but im glad to know that they are there for a reason and not just being kept away from their families for nothing. I feel as though they haven't been doing as much or should have stayed there that long just to clean up the mess in Afghanistan. They should be out doing what they signed up for and things that actually make them feel like heros. The operations are a good idea but I truly hope that no one gets hurt.

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