Friday, March 5, 2010

Strong Aftershocks Keep Rattling Chile

Summary: After Chile experienced the massive earthquake witha magnitude of 8.8 last Saturday, aftershocks are starting to take a major toll on the land and people. For example, one with a magnitude of about 6.6 which hit on Friday about 20 miles from Concepcion, this was the epicenter of Saterday's 8.8 earthquake, and one off the coast of Bio Bio earlier that Friday with a magnitude of 6.0. There have been many other aftershocks (150 aftershocks of 5.0 or greater) that have hit Chile since Saturday. This earthquake is said to have been the fifth strongest in the past 100 years! Chile is still trying to recover from all of the recent activity which, destroyed buildings, triggered a tsunami, killed hundreds of people, and thousands were left homeless. Food, water, and electricity are the top priorities says the U.N. Office for the Coordination of Human Affairs. The Chilean government are leading relief efforts and have asked to United Nations for survival items. There have also been telethons organized to help make money for the quake victims. Chile is doing there best to recover and other countries are trying there best to help.

Opinion: After I heard this on the news last Saturday I felt awful. I couldn't believe that another world disaster had happened again. Eventhought it didn't happen in the U.S. I still felt terrible and wondered what I could do to help. When Katrina hit everyone around the world tried to help and took part in the U.S. recovery. Now I feel like we need to give back and do the same since we know what that's like and some of the things that Chile is going through. For now the earthquake victims are in my prayers but i will be looking for other ways in which i can help as well.

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