Opinion: The sad thing about this story, even though it was an accident, is that it could have been prevented. Why was anyone just letting a toxic waste pond sit without being watched or concerned of it spilling? The Aluminum Production Plant clearly knew that the waste was going somewhere and that if the build-up were to come into contact with humans there could be major problems. So my point is why wasn't the waste disposed of or taken care of before a catastrophe like this occurred. I feel as though they are responsible for the injuries and deaths caused by the toxic sludge and something needs to change with the way they dispose of their metal products. The money used to help clean up the sludge should come out of the corporations revenue to make them realize their carelessness and to create some fairness out of the mess. I truly feel bad for everyone involved in the disaster and hope that they can pull together as a community to get back on their feet and return to their past lives without too much pain and suffering. Their sticking together will make all the difference.
Katie I could not be more happy that you blogged about this topic because other wise I probably never would have heard about it. I could not feel more terrible for the people that this happened to and I hope that they are able to come together as a community and work things out. Also I hope that an outside party comes and helps them because by no means was this their fault and they should not have to deal with all the emotional worries and the physical destruction. I also really liked your opinion in that you thought it was the companies fault because I was actually thinking the same thing! I was wondering how in the world anybody could just forget about such a large project that could have so much affect on people if the slightest thing went wrong? I definitely agree that it was the Aluminum Production Plants fault and that they should take the blame and have to clean up and fix all that was destroyed. I may do further research into this to see if anything happen with the plant and see if more people felt the way we did or thought it was just an "accident?"