Sunday, October 17, 2010

U.S. Terror War in Yemen Frustrated by Politics

Summary: For about a year the United States has debated a war with Yemen. The ongoing debate has been very secretive, but looks like it could be coming to a head because the government of this small Arab nation is becoming more aggressive and is beginning to start an even bigger fight. Yemeni tactics are usually to negotiate with other tribes but now their officials are saying that Washington is pressuring them to be more aggressive. The U.S. is trying to resist the taunting such as the attempt to blow up a plane over Christmas Day last year, but now we've sent many people into Yemen to train counter terrorism forces. Very little progress has been visible and America is still trying to be corrupt, but while trying to stay safe we are also trying to ignore the threats. The American Government has decided that a war would not be in our best interest right now, due to the war going on over in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Opinion: I think that not going to war at the present time is the right decision. As long as the threats stay low on the radar and not dangerous enough to do much harm then war shouldn't even be a question. It's never smart to just jump to conclusions and to have war be the first attempt to resolve it. In my opinion war is never the answer, and I don't see where the war in Iraq has even got us. We jumped to conclusions there, fought the wrong people, and gained nothing from it. So the fact that we are waiting to see what happens with Yemen and letting it play out a little bit is smart on America's part. We don't need any more enemies, especially over in that area of the world. Peace should be our aim right now, not war and fighting. Peace and love will get us further in life.

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